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"51 In 51" - 51 Changes In The 51 Weeks Since Shark Tank

September 22 2017 – Nick Massie

"51 In 51" - 51 Changes In The 51 Weeks Since Shark Tank
"51 In 51" - 51 Changes In The 51 Weeks Since Shark Tank

I grew up in Fargo, North Dakota, home of world renowned home run king......

Roger Maris.

Wait. What? 

Not many have heard of Roger, but in 1961, he hit 61 home runs and for 37 years was MLB's home run king! With the onslaught of PEDs, the big-biceped-ball-bashers (Mcgwire & Bonds) have surpassed him, but Roger is back in the news because this year Giancarlo Stanton might beat his record without the use of performance enhancing drugs. 

What does this have to do with Ice Age Meals?

Well, while Roger gave us "61 in '61," today, I give you "51 in 51." It's been exactly 51 weeks since I presented Ice Age Meals on Shark Tank and our episode will air again tonight. So, I've compiled a list of 51 things that have taken place since September 30, 2016.


Here it is...

1. We gained over 10,000 new customers.

2. We fulfilled over 30,000 orders.

3. We sold over $1,000,000 in the 45 days that followed the original airing.

4. We remodeled our kitchen facility.

5. We expanded our kitchen facility adding 7 offices, a break room and a gym.

6. We purchased a brand new reefer truck, the "Ice Mobile."

7. We bought a warehouse facility with a 2,000 square foot freezer.

8. We started drawings for building a new kitchen facility on the warehouse property.

9. We purchased a new walk-in cooler for the kitchen facility.

10. We introduced 6 new meals --- "The Braises".

11. We expanded our nutrition information through three rounds of lab testing.

12. We updated the design on our meal sleeves, introducing pictures.

13. We updated our shipping packaging - craft boxes, less foam, greener!

14. We purchased a new packing machine.

15. We purchased two new forklifts.

16. We expanded our staff from six ninjas to 36 ninjas.

17. We established relationships with an organic squash rancher.

18. We established relationships with an organic turkey rancher.

19. We established relationships with an olive rancher.

20. We established relationships with an organic onion rancher.

21. We established relationships with an organic yam/sweet potato rancher.

22. We established relationships with a US based tray manufacturer.

23. We worked with a US based supplier to develop a custom film for lidding our meals.

24. We were featured on the local news. (3 times)

25. We were featured in the Northern Nevada Business Review.

26. We were audited by the IRS.

27. We were audited by the USDA.

28. We worked diligently to transform our kitchen into a USDA "plant". 

29. We were granted the Ice Age Meals trademark by the USPTO.

30. We built and outfitted a kitchen gym for all of our staff.

31. We implemented a daily, paid workout program for all of our employees.

32. We redesigned the Tahoe Taco food booth featuring three of our new meals.

33. We took Tahoe Taco to Truckee Thursdays throughout the summer.

34. We brought the Ice Age Meals booth to all six CrossFit Regionals.

35. We brought the Tahoe Taco Menu and the Ice Age Meals Booth to The CrossFit Games.

36. We presented the Ice Age Meals Corporate Wellness Program to Microsoft Corporation.

37. We presented Ice Age Meals to Costco.

38. We launched featuring our line of gourmet spice blends.

39. We produced over 20 new Paleo cooking videos. 

40. We laid the ground work for our "GO GO" program which will combat hunger on a global scale beginning in 2018. 

There were some things that fell by the wayside as well:

41. The Culinary Ninja seminar was put on hold. (currently working on relaunching in 2018)

42. Posts on have been limited to one per week. (new version of site coming in 2018)

43. The Culinary Adventure trips were put on hold. (working on a relaunch in 2018 with Kaua'i)

44. Nutrition coaching sessions were halted. (indefinitely)

45. I, personally, have dedicated less time to social media postings. (not entirely bad :) )

46. My personal workout schedule has suffered. (no excuse)

47. We weren't as involved in social outreach as we wanted to be. (coming back strong in 2018!)

48. We've had to turn down interview opportunities and social engagements that we'd normally participate in.

49. All travel related to our undying commitment to creative nutrition education was put on hold.

50. While business improved drastically, the human connection to our followers and customers wasn't what it's been in the past. While it's cool to see pictures and hear stories, it's so much better to meet people face-to-face and hear their stories in person. (coming back strong in 2018!!!)

And last but not least:

51. I've been challenged more than ever before. I've heard it said that going into "The Tank" is an effort to find help and make things easier. The reality is that being on the show, whether you get a deal or not, is the jumping off point for your most challenging work. At least that was the case for me. Last fall was a dark tunnel, but we made it through and my team and I are stronger than ever. I don't know what the future brings, but I AM confident that the IAM crew will face it with a smile and a sense of adventure!

Whew! That's a lot of stuff!!!

While you are going through it, it doesn't seem like much, but when you pause and reflect, it's fun to see what you can accomplish in under a year.

When I went on Shark Tank, I didn't find a lot of information on what to expect, so I am hoping that this article will help future "tankers" understand the impact the show can have on their business.

Finally, I want to thank my team of ninjas. I used "we" instead of "I" at every opportunity because I am in a boat with some of the most amazing people on the planet. No man is an island, right? We thought we had our freezer stocked last September, but when we sold out of meals before the show even aired in Mountain Standard Time, we were faced with a challenge like no other. When the orders didn't slow for weeks, the workdays got longer and the adversity increased. We got through it, we are stronger because of it and I am forever grateful for the people who surround me. 

If this is your first time checking out Ice Age Meals, I encourage you to give us a try. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and will do everything possible to make your experience with us positive and memorable. :)

Our show will air again tonight, so be sure to tune in and cheer us on.

And, as always, do your best to...

"Keep It Paleo!"

Your Pal,

Paleo Nick

(Celebrating 14 years of marriage with this babe!)
