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Burning Man Meals - Last Minute, Frozen Meals For The Playa
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Ten Year Anniversary Promo - Gifts Galore!
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February 26 2024 – Nick Massie
Are there any frozen meals that are actually healthy?
Ice Age Meals are Ice Cold Convenient and they taste great, too! Read on to learn about how IAM is taking the US by storm in an effort to help people EAT BETTER. LIVE LONGER...
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February 14 2024 – Nick Massie
Turn2CrossFit Culinary Ninja Seminar
The Culinary Ninja population of Temecula/Murrieta, California increased dramatically over the weekend! Read on to see how the Turn2CrossFit community Turned2Cooking!!!
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January 02 2024 – Nick Massie
Be More In Twenty-Four!
Happy New Year from The IAMFAM! This year feels different. I haven't heard the term "New Year's Resolutions" even once. Other terms are popping up like goals and vision and purpose and the infamous "best version of myself". I think back to a decade ago when I'd publish my new year's post. It seemed like setting resolutions was a requirement...
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January 01 2023 – Nick Massie
Ice Age Culinary - Clean Eating Education. Evolved!
A New Year's Greeting and an offer just for you!
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December 05 2022 – Jessica Tischler
Paleo Nick's Story Part 2
Alaska was insane. To detail my the next six years of my life with words would be impossible.Because of my experience at the fish processing plant, I landed a summer job at the Quinnat Landing Hotel in King Salmon, Alaska in the summer of 2003. Jessie graduated with a degree in Kinesiology from UC Boulder and came up to work with...
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December 05 2022 – Jessica Tischler
Paleo Nick's Story Part 1
It started in a parking lot in 2014 with the Paleo Nick's food booth. Or did it? It's hard to tell where our story begins, but one thing is for sure, any business that starts in a garage or a parking lot is destined for greatness! That was where Ice Age Meals launched, but there's more to the story... I grew up in...
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November 17 2022 – Nick Massie
We're in the tunnel, but we see the light!
I love to read. I'm always reading something in search of the next great idea or just the right bit of encouragement. Words are powerful and can be just thing to cure a bad day or a difficult time. Jim Rohn says that alligators can live on food alone and bunny rabbits can and fish can, but humans need more...
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November 10 2022 – Nick Massie
CALL TO ACTION!!! - Final week to support our dream!
Today is the last day we'll fire up the ovens after eight years of cooking in our Caughlin Ranch kitchen perched on a hill above Reno, Nevada. It's been four weeks since we announced this change. We've put our nose to the grindstone to finish strong and let me tell you, the final batch of Grass Fed Barbacoa with Tomatillo Salsa...
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November 07 2022 – Nick Massie
Thank you! I want to start with gratitude for all of you amazing people who are springing up from different pockets of my past. We've got the Minnesota Mob, The Colorado Crew, The So-Cal Squad, The Alaska Assembly, The Truckee Team, the Kaua'i Kin and of course the Rank of Reno Regulars. There's the posse from who are eager...
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October 27 2022 – Nick Massie
There's Hope! Week One Update.
Hi guys, This is the Week One Update! We’ve seen tremendous support since we sent the “We’re Closing Our Kitchen” email last Thursday. From all corners of the globe, people are wishing us well and hoping that we can stay in business. Stateside, people are placing orders in support and many friends from over the years are reaching out to...
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October 24 2022 – Nick Massie
Shark Tank To Bankrupt? - Andrew Hiller Chimes In
Wow! Lots of support coming in from all nooks and crannies! Today, my best friend, Tony Turski, sent me a video titled Shark Tank To Bankrupt? He asked if I had seen it and then said, "Good Job!" The title combined with "Good Job!" was throwing me for a loop, so I watched the video and cleared up the confusion. ...
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October 21 2022 – Nick Massie
Thank You For Your Support! Here's What's Next...
We had a pretty amazing response after our last blog. A lot of people came out of the woodwork. People I haven't seen or heard from in years, but who have been by my side all along. Most sending thoughts and prayers and some of them concerned about my future. I want to write to let you know that you...
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October 20 2022 – Nick Massie
We're Closing Our Kitchen.
Two things happened on Tuesday: We informed our staff that we will be closing our kitchen on November 11, 2022. We filed our 2021 business taxes with a loss of $494,154.00. Yikes! After 8 years of providing high-quality frozen meals delivered to your door, we are on the cusp of closing our doors. But, with your help, there’s hope! In golf,...
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October 06 2022 – Karina Bautista
Meet Our Athlete of the Month - Laura Alexander
2021 & 2022 USAW National Champ, Laura Alexander, uses Ice Age Meals as her go-to meal prep because our meals are frozen to lock in nutrients and flavor making it easy and convenient to get macro-friendly meals during a busy training day. Continue reading to learn more about who Laura is and her journey here. Tell us about yourself? I am a...
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September 15 2022 – Nick Massie
How Did You Get There? I RAN!
I recommend setting big goals and going for them. Studies show that our mind has infinite capability and that in a human lifetime, it is impossible for a person to reach their full potential. When you do go for big things, you will run into challenges. It’s just the way things go. Today, I want to share my advice for...
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September 01 2022 – Nick Massie
The Start of Something BIG!
September is here and we are here to serve you as summer comes to a close and "regular life" steps back to the plate. It is a pivotal time at Ice Age Meals and your support this month will be monumental in helping us take the next step as a business.We have the goal of making this the biggest month...
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August 11 2022 – Nick Massie
Quotes That Change Lives
I’m a quote guy. I love learning from what others have said. A good quote can make you smile, it can make you think and it can even change your life. Today, I am going to share a list of the quotes I’ve collected recently. Here Goes… “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” - Harry Truman...
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August 01 2022 – Karina Bautista
Meet Our Athlete of the Month: Warren Brooks
Meet our IAMFAM Athlete of the Month, Warren Brooks! Tell us about yourself? I’m married to my beautiful wife, Kristen. We have two kids: Bella (4) & Cooper (1). I love being a husband and a dad. I am a criminal prosecutor in Birmingham where I have been for almost 4 years. I am also a small business owner. I...
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