Call us: 844-ICEAGE-1

Order now and your meals will ship on Tuesday, October 22nd.


November 07 2022 – Nick Massie


Thank you!

I want to start with gratitude for all of you amazing people who are springing up from different pockets of my past. We've got the Minnesota Mob, The Colorado Crew, The So-Cal Squad, The Alaska Assembly, The Truckee Team, the Kaua'i Kin and of course the Rank of Reno Regulars.

There's the posse from who are eager for the return of my recipes. And then, the corps of Culinary Ninjas from my six years of trotting the globe to teach culinary basics on folding tables in CrossFit gyms.

Thank you to all of you for reaching out and supporting me. I've poured my heart into my work for as long as I can remember and amazing things have come from it. I suffer from ADD in a major way, so to do anything for 8 minutes, let alone 8 years, is a challenge to me. As I unlock the kitchen door for only another handful of mornings, I give thanks. I do not know what the future holds, but I am grateful for every life experience.

In school, the lessons come first and then the test. In life, the test is first and the lessons follow. I can't wait to study the material that will be presented from my current quiz. 

Could it be possible that we are only happy when we are being tested? I heard Joe Rogan say that he cannot be happy unless he is facing difficulty. If what he says is true, then consider me the happiest guy you've ever met!

Like Declan Harp says, "You've got to take the rough with the smooth."

Okay. Down to business.

It has been two weeks since we sent the original email explaining how we are closing our kitchen. I am now back at the kitchen full-time and will be grinding it out until we close things up at the end of next week. On this morning's break, our team reflected on how many people have worked for Ice Age Meals over the years. Just off the top of our heads, we counted over 100. Wow! It takes an army to feed a village, no?

Things are falling into place nicely for Ice Age Culinary and we think we will be able to continue cooking out of our warehouse facility. We met with our plumbing engineer last Wednesday and we will submit plans to the city next week. Everything is contingent upon keeping our warehouse property and we are working around to clock to find a solution. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers regarding this.

Your support today could help keep us in business. Click here to order meals now.

This is a picture of the spices for our last 15 batches of Butternut Squash Lasagna. From bottom to top we have:

  • Diamond Crystal kosher salt
  • Black pepper
  • Red chile
  • Fennel

The fennel gets toasted in olive oil with the fresh garlic, that's why it is separate. If I could bottle up the aroma that's pumping from this place and sell it, we'd pay off that warehouse property in no time!


As part of the transition to a simpler operation, starting November 7th, we will no longer offer a 12-pack of meals. Transitioning our kitchen to the warehouse will put a strain on space. While I've started stockpiling 40-foot shipping containers, fewer box sizes will also help. We sent out an email to all of our 12-pack subscription customers. If you are one of them, please read that email and bump up to at least a 16. We'd really appreciate it!


This Sunday (Nov. 6th) will be the last call for Holiday Smokehouse orders. If you do not have Thanksgiving Dinner dialed in yet, one of our Oak Smoked Briskets is just the ticket! I'm whipping up a couple of unmentioned add-ons to include in your box, so if you're looking for a turn-key turkey-alternative, I promise it will be worth your while! We'll smoke on Monday and begin boxing things up for delivery to your door. 


Here are two pictures of kitchen stadium, which will be the backdrop for Ice Age Culinary. We'll launch on January 1st with a 21-day challenge and I hope you'll join us. If you're interested in cheffing it up with me, head to and drop your details. 


First. Please order some meals. This is a tentative time for my team and your support today will go a long way. 

As for life, my message for you is also for me. It came from Oswald Chambers this week and it is very simple:

"You cannot make disciples unless you are a disciple yourself."

Take your discipline to the next level this week and be sure to practice what you preach.

To debunk the myths you've been fed about nutrition and show you the truth about food is my mission.

I'm here to help you EAT BETTER. LIVE LONGER.

The Missionary Of Meals,

Paleo Nick

PS: The hunt was successful. Here's "The Bro!" with his first deer. It was the most challenging and most rewarding experience of my life. You gotta take the rough with the smooth...

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