Call us: 844-ICEAGE-1

Order now and your meals will ship on Tuesday, October 22nd.

CALL TO ACTION!!! - Final week to support our dream!

November 10 2022 – Nick Massie

CALL TO ACTION!!! - Final week to support our dream!
CALL TO ACTION!!! - Final week to support our dream!

Today is the last day we'll fire up the ovens after eight years of cooking in our Caughlin Ranch kitchen perched on a hill above Reno, Nevada.

It's been four weeks since we announced this change. We've put our nose to the grindstone to finish strong and let me tell you, the final batch of Grass Fed Barbacoa with Tomatillo Salsa and Rice is absolute FIRE!!!

It's our number one selling meal, so we went out in style and put 2,500 portions in the freezer!

When we announced we were closing our kitchen, I also lined out a potential path forward. We hope to be able to remodel our warehouse location into a production kitchen so that we can continue delivering healthy, hand-crafted helpings to your door.

Just yesterday, I picked up the drawings that I will present to the City of Reno with the hopes that the dream will continue. There are still a lot of things up in the air, but are optimistic and would be blown away if this all works out. To be able to run the entire company under one roof would be a dream come true!

Would you consider supporting us today by placing an order for some of our tasty meals

We basically have one week to sell enough of our inventory to keep the lights on and stay in business. Your purchase today will go a long way!

I'll take some of those meals off your hands!

When I'm faced with a challenge, I always turn to books for advice.

I am a big fan of rowing and I have three books that I recommend you read regarding the sport:

  • The Assault On Lake Casitas
  • The Boys In The Boat
  • Mind Over Water

In Mind Over Water, Craig Lambert shares one of my favorite quotes. When I traveled around teaching my Culinary Ninja Course, I would share it with the ninjas. 

I'll go ad lib here since I don't have my copy of Mind Over Water handy:

"The pursuit of long term goals resembles climbing a mountain in a dense fog. The fog is so thick that you cannot see your next step. All you can do is make each step a sound one and keep going because you never know which step is the one that will place you on the summit."

I'll be honest, it's pretty foggy right now. 

Your support today will put some fire in my step!

Speaking of fire, how's this picture of IAMFAM member GC Graziani with his incredible wife and his fresh twin boys Giovanni and Galileo. Congrats, GC!!! 

Above all, thank you for tuning in and for following my on this journey. It's been a wild ride full of life and love and lots of lessons.

Regardless of how this all turns out, I am launching a 21-day Culinary Challenge on January first. Please hop over to for details!

Your Pal Always,

Paleo Nick

PS: Seen here with the partriarch, Paleo Gordy. 

I want to help keep the dream alive!