Call us: 844-ICEAGE-1

Order now and your meals will ship on Tuesday, October 22nd.

We're in the tunnel, but we see the light!

November 17 2022 – Nick Massie

We're in the tunnel, but we see the light!
We're in the tunnel, but we see the light!

I love to read.

I'm always reading something in search of the next great idea or just the right bit of encouragement. Words are powerful and can be just thing to cure a bad day or a difficult time. Jim Rohn says that alligators can live on food alone and bunny rabbits can and fish can, but humans need more than food - we need words.

This week, I found just the right words to help me stay the course during this season of challenge. Growing up, my Grandma Nyla used to read from Corrie Ten Boom's devotional, Each New Day. Corrie was the inspiration this week with the quote:

"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the driver."

Due to a clerical error, Corrie was released from the Ravensbruck Nazi concentration camp and lived out her life as an evangelist, motivational speaker and social critic. She faced the deepest darkness, but always focused on the light.

What does this have to do with Ice Age Meals?

Good question!

You see, we are much more than a meal company. Our goal is to provide the number one frozen meal in the world. Not to sell the most meals, but to provide the BEST MEALS. We're not there yet, but we're on the way and we currently find ourselves in a tunnel.

We're not going to throw away our ticket and jump off, we are going to stay seated and trust the driver. It is no secret that Ice Age Meals is a faith-based company. While our company was built on offering high-quality helpings delivered to your door, its foundation goes much deeper.

To use the words that Edward Mote wrote in his 1834 hymn:

"On Christ the solid rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand."

While our company's future is uncertain, we have received tremendous support and we have undying faith. 

Just this morning we received our October financials and, after sharing that we were closing our kitchen last month, we experienced the strongest numbers we've had in the past five years!!!

This is all due to help from awesome people like you!

It takes all of us to help each of us and by simply sharing the need, people responded. 

We are not out of the tunnel yet, but we see the light and we are feeling more encouraged than ever.

Here's a picture of the last box of "Barbacoa Rice" that we produced in our kitchen.

Today, we will move the final food from our kitchen facility to our freezer warehouse. We will then clear out our kitchen and rely on our inventory until we can remodel our warehouse into a production area. 

Things are moving fast and looking promising, but it will still take into the new year before we will be allowed to cook again. 

After our final cooking sessions that ended last week, we sit with 55,579 meals in inventory.

Your purchase of even 16 of these meals would be a game changer for us. If you order 30 or 60 meals, I'll likely show up to your house to delivery them, give you a hug and then cook a gourmet dinner for you!

I'll take some of those meals off your hands!

Here is your Closing Encouragement:

When you face tough times, be sure to share your struggles with others because they want to help you. We are all so tough, but not really! Vulnerability comes before victory. The following song sums up this concept.

These are the lyrics to "what are you afraid of" by Wilder Woods:

Your fear is scattered like paper in the windAnd your tank is empty, it's hard to pretendEverything is alright and death's not marching inTell me what you're afraid of, I wanna help you with it.Sometimes it's weakness, oh but sometimes it's right.Everything is darkness, you should look for lightTryna be the right kind of lover and friendSo won't you let me and Jesus carry your troubles again?There's a common thread in heartache, It's always worse when it's aloneSo I wanna give you shelter, give you someplace you can goWhen worry floods your brain, and you think of giving inTell me what you're afraid of, and I'll help you with it.Show me what you're afraid of, and I'll meet you in it.

To debunk the myths you've been fed about nutrition and show you the truth about food is my mission. 

We're gonna make it guys! Please help us keep Ice Age Meals alive. 

On January 1st, I will launch a 21-day Culinary Challenge. It will be 21 different meals over 21 days that I will cook in real time from my home kitchen in 21 minutes or less! 

Please hop over to for details.

Your Pal Always,

Paleo Nick

PS: Here is a picture I took in the wee hours of the morning that displays many of the books that have taught me the things I want to teach you... Did I mention I love to read?