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Ice Age Meals: Bringing Healthy Back to Frozen Food
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A Lesson in Making Your Own Ice Age Meals
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October 07 2016 – Jessica Timmons
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat, Says Nick
See what Nick has to say when he came up for air after swimming with the sharks. He also shares his plans for the future - and the future is looking pretty bright.
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September 30 2016 – Jessica Timmons
We're on Shark Tank Tonight! Time for a Little Hashtag Contest...
It's happening tonight - "Shark Tank" airs at 9 pm Eastern time and we're practically beside ourselves in excitement. To keep our minds busy with everything going on at Ice Age Meals HQ, we thought we’d add to the mix with a little hashtag fun. Join us, and you could win a free Ice Age Meals sampler! Let’s break down this four-step process.
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September 28 2016 – Jessica Timmons
How Did Ice Age Meals Fare on Shark Tank?
Over the summer, Nick Massie and Ice Age Meals were thrown in with the sharks on ABC’s “Shark Tank.” And now everyone’s dying to know – do frozen Paleo meals sink or swim? Here’s what we can tell you, and everything we can’t.
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September 28 2016 – Nick Massie
From Bums To Billionaires – What Sets Ice Age Meals Apart?
There are quite a few Paleo meal delivery services out there. So what sets Ice Age Meals apart from the Paleo pack? We could give you ten reasons, but we've narrowed it down to the top three.
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September 27 2016 – Jessica Timmons
Fast Facts - Are Ice Age Meals Gluten Free?
Ice Age Meals are frozen Paleo meals, which means they're made without grains of any kind. That's true for all Ice Age Meals except our Lemon Pepper Chicken and Rice, which is helpfully labeled "Paleo + Rice" on the packaging and here on our website. So, does that make Ice Age Meals gluten free? You bet. But the Paleo/gluten-free discussion is...
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September 23 2016 – Jessica Timmons
Ice Age Meals is on ABC’s “Shark Tank.” Believe it.
Nick Massie, AKA Paleo Nick of fame and the driving chef force behind Ice Age Meals, is going throw it down on “Shark Tank” next Friday, September 30 at 9 pm EDT on ABC. Fire up the DVR!
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September 22 2016 – Jessica Timmons
Hey, Did You Catch Ice Age Meals on the News?
If you're in the Reno area and you happened to catch the news last night, you might have seen Kristen Remington talking about Ice Age Meals. She came in to check out the kitchen, the store and the meals, and we're pretty pumped to say she was impressed with all of it.
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September 16 2016 – Jessica Timmons
Going Paleo? Here's How to Cheat.
If you're new to the Paleo train, you're about to learn that it's a super awesome, super effective way of properly fueling your body. On the downside, it's also a way of eating that calls for some serious cooking. But good news - you can cheat on that Paleo diet with a little thing called Ice Age Meals.
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September 15 2016 – Nick Massie
Fast Facts: What’s in an Ice Age Meal?
Before you pull the trigger on an Ice Age Meal, you want to know what’s in it. And we like the way you’re thinking. So what’s in an Ice Age Meal? Lots of the good stuff, none of the bad stuff and all in the right proportions. Let’s get to the details.
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September 14 2016 – Paleo Bobby
Frozen Paleo Meals – What?!
So how do you stay nutritionally on track on a random Wednesday when everyone’s blood sugar is dangerously low, the cupboards are bare and someone starts digging for the frozen pizza? Three magical words, friends – frozen Paleo meals.
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