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Fast Facts: What’s in an Ice Age Meal?

September 15 2016 – Nick Massie

Fast Facts: What’s in an Ice Age Meal?
Fast Facts: What’s in an Ice Age Meal?

Before you pull the trigger on an Ice Age Meal, you want to know what’s in it. And we like the way you’re thinking. So what’s in an Ice Age Meal? Lots of the good stuff, none of the bad stuff and all in the right proportions. Let’s get to the details.

Here’s what we put in Ice Age Meals:

We have twelve stellar meals for you to enjoy, so the nuts and bolts will vary from meal to meal. Depending on the meal, you’ll find organic turkey, grass-fed beef, organic coconut milk, eggs and all kinds of really great veggies. We’re all about transparency too, so take a peek at any of our meals over on the menu page and choose one that suits your fancy. The ingredients of every meal are laid out right there, just for you.

For example, our butternut squash lasagna is pretty darn straightforward – grass-fed beef, butternut squash, tomato puree, onion, garlic, basic, olive oil, kosher salt, black pepper, fennel seed and ground red chili. And that’s it. No unpleasant surprises, no unpronounceable ingredients.

We also have a macronutrient breakdown for your reading pleasure. That’s another thing about Ice Age Meals. Varied though they may be, every last one is four blocks according to the Zone diet.

Here’s what we don’t put in Ice Age Meals:

Refined carbs, cheap fats, preservatives are all Paleo – and Ice Age – no no’s. We keep things simple with high-quality ingredients that are nutrient dense. And here’s an interesting little tidbit. The average frozen meal in the grocery store (we’re looking at you, hungry fellas) weighs about nine ounces. Ice Age Meals weigh between 16 and 18 ounces – there’s a lot of heft to that smart little package – but come in at fewer calories. So what gives? Chalk it up to the refined carbs and an excess of low-quality fats. They add up fast.

Check out our FAQs for more FAQs or drop us a line directly at if you have more burning Paleo questions.