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February 27 2017 – Jessica Timmons
The Paleo Diet According to Ice Age Meals, Part 1
As a company that sells its own Paleo meals, we want to share the Ice Age Meals’ interpretation of the Paleo diet. We believe in being transparent and direct with everyone, and we think it’s important that you understand where we’re coming from when we’re talking Paleo. So here goes.
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January 24 2017 – Jessica Timmons
Three Reasons Prepared Paleo Meals are a Smart Move
Whatever’s happening in your life, there are times when it’s just way too difficult to carve out time for sourcing, prepping and cooking Paleo-friendly ingredients. The solution? Ice Age Meals, baby. Here are three reasons that prepared Paleo meals can be a really smart move.
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January 10 2017 – Jessica Timmons
The Paleo Transition – What to Expect When you Cut the Crap
Remember a few posts ago when we said we weren’t going to try to convince you that eating Paleo is the way to go? Eh. If you’re hanging around this site, you’re probably at least mildly interested. So today, let’s talk about the transition period – what you can expect when you cut the dietary crap and start eating better.
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January 06 2017 – Jessica Timmons
Five Reasons to Go Paleo in 2017
At its simplest, going Paleo is about searching for what truly works for your body. And it’s a safe bet that a diet low in toxins and rich in high-quality nutrients – in other words, a Paleo diet – is going to work for you. Let’s look at five reasons why.
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January 02 2017 – Jessica Timmons
The New Year's Resolution that Really Matters
If your New Year's resolutions have anything to do with improved health, the single most effective thing you can do is improve your eating habits. No one likes to hear it, but it's true. Good news - Ice Age Meals can help.
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