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Three Reasons Prepared Paleo Meals are a Smart Move

January 24 2017 – Jessica Timmons


Life can be crazy, and we all know it. Maybe there’s a new baby on the way, or you’ve just moved to a brand new city. Maybe you’re starting a demanding new job that’s messing with your schedule, or you’re dealing with health issues that a better diet can improve. Whatever’s happening in your life, there are times when it’s just way too difficult to carve out time for sourcing, prepping and cooking Paleo-friendly ingredients. The solution? Ice Age Meals, baby. Here are three reasons that prepared Paleo meals can be a really smart move.

1. You’ll save time.

A prepared Paleo meal, like our own Ice Age Meals, is a heat-and-eat kind of thing. Even if you’re going the gourmet route and using the oven, you’re looking at 30 minutes max before diving in to a perfectly Paleo, well-balanced meal. Compare that to the legwork that goes into prepping your own Paleo meals, which could be anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours (or more!). It takes time to wash all that produce, to chop, peel, noodle, dice, to wash all those dishes and tidy up the kitchen.

But you’ll save more than just time in the kitchen. Before you can do anything at all with all that food, you have to go get it all. Unless you’re really lucky, this usually involves driving to more than one store or market, coordinating farmer’s market schedules, and dealing with traffic.

Remember, prepared Paleo meals like Ice Age Meals come ready to go – no driving required. We’ll ship our meals – free – straight to your door. All you have to do open it. And, you know, stock the freezer.

2. You’ll love the convenience.

There is something to be said about finding the best sources for your own ingredients. It’s what we do right here at Ice Age. We’re the handshaking type, and we like to meet the farmers and ranchers responsible for getting our ingredients to us. When you buy our meals, you benefit from these relationships, without having to hunt down your own farmer. You’ll save on the hassle of finding recipes, making meal plans and shopping lists, hunting down ingredients, doing all the work yourself, and maybe wasting food when all that work turns up something you can’t bring yourself to choke down.

Ordering prepared Paleo meals online is easy. Our online store is open 24/7, so you can buy whenever it suits you. Prepared food is delivered right to your door with two-day shipping, and you’ll have the security of knowing our ingredients are stellar, our flavors are killer, and you’re staying true to your nutritional goals, no matter what the world is throwing at you.

3. You’ll probably save some dough.

You’ll have to do the math yourself, because this will depend on the kind of food you’ve been eating. We all know that the Paleo diet isn’t the cheapest way to eat. It’s an investment in our health, which will pay off down the road, but a quick look at the cheapest food sold in most grocery stores tells the same story – lots of refined carbs and cheap fats. If you tally your grocery bills over two weeks, see how much you might save by subbing in 14 Ice Age Meals for some of those lunches and dinners. Our guess is that you’ll come out ahead.

The best way to decide if having prepared Paleo meals on hand is a good move for you is just by giving them a chance. We invite you to check out our menu, read some reviews, and take the plunge on Ice Age Meals. Living Paleo can be difficult, and we’re doing what we can to make it as deliciously simple as possible.