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Let's Bring It Back To The Beginning
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Chief Culinary Ninja's Quarterly Update
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July 01 2022 – Karina Bautista
Meet Our Athlete of the Month: Luis Montoya
Meet our IAMFAM Athlete of the Month, Luis Montoya! Tell us about yourself? Three years ago, in March of 2019, I almost lost my mother to an aortic dissection. That day changed me forever. I was 308 pounds, and knew it was time to make a permanent change if I wanted to live a long healthy life. I was on...
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June 09 2022 – Jessica Tischler
Meet Our Athlete of the Month
Meet our IAMFAM Athlete of the Month, Colten Mertens! Colten just competed at the Granite Games and qualified for the 2022 Crossfit Games. Tell us about yourself? I am a CrossFit athlete and also work on my families farm growing corn, soy beans and raising pigs among many other things at the farm. How and when did you come to...
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May 02 2022 – Jessica Tischler
Meet Our Athlete of the Month
Meet Jordan Hayward, our featured athlete of the month. @j_hayward Tell us about yourself? I am 27 years old & am the proud affiliate owner of CrossFit Melior in the small town of Highland, Michigan. Born & raised here in Highland, spent my whole life growing up playing sports & working out. How and when did you come to be...
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April 07 2022 – Jessica Tischler
Meet Our Athlete of the Month
Meet Kelly Clark, our Ice Age Meals Athlete of the Month. @iamkellyclark Tell us about yourself? I am a CrossFit Athlete and Level 3 Trainer. I live in Santa Cruz, CA with my husband and our puppy Harley. We enjoy the little things in life... a good cup of coffee, walking on the beach or hiking in the woods, and...
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March 31 2022 – Nick Massie
Winds Of Change At Ice Age Meals
Hello Awesome People,This is Nick, the Chief Culinary Ninja at Ice Age Meals, writing to you with some important news. We will soon embark on the start of our 8th year in business. While the whole adventure has been amazing, the past two years have been especially exciting. And by exciting, I mean scary, challenging and educational. Life is so much that...
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February 15 2022 – Nick Massie
Consistent Self-Discipline
Today’s encouragement comes from my notes on one of my favorite talks by Jim Rohn. He starts the talk by asking, “What’s at the core of achieving the good life?” Jim ultimately arrives at the conclusion that Self-Discipline is the key to breaking through barriers that hold us back from achieving our goals. He defines discipline in a handful of...
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February 11 2022 – Nick Massie
Slowly Is The Fastest Way
I'm impatient. Since starting in a restaurant at age 14, “Sense Of Urgency” has been a way of life. Once I learned how quickly things could be done, it became difficult to do them at any pace other than my fastest. My first boss was Brian Lewis, a military man who loved to show me how much faster he was than...
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February 04 2022 – Nick Massie
Magic Button
Use code: NUDGEFROMNICK to save 15% Today. Expires February 9th, 2025 at Midnight PST. SHOP MEALS NOW
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January 31 2022 – Nick Massie
Take Action
We all have our To Do lists. Some are in our minds, some are written down, but we all have things we want TO DO. The definition of the word action is: the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. I like that last part, to achieve an aim. An aim is like a goal. In...
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January 03 2022 – Nick Massie
Breaking Through In '22
Happy New Year! Thank you for supporting Ice Age Meals. 2022 marks seven years that we’ve been in business and we wouldn’t be here without you. With the start of each year, we are inclined to think. We look back on the past year and we ponder how we can get better over the next 365 days. The word “better”...
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December 14 2021 – NICOLE ALLSHOUSE
Have you chosen your word yet?
2022 is quickly approaching, and this is the time of year I think about the one word I will live by in the new year. For example, it might be brave or evolve or acceptance or align; it can be any word you want. This is similar to a New Year's Resolution but not as "specifically goal-oriented."Choosing a word is...
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December 06 2021 – Nick Massie
Happy December, Ice Age Fam! Can you believe 2021 is coming to an end? In many ways, I am ready for the New Year! But there is that a tiny part of me that knows time is a thief, and I wonder what else I can squeeze in these last few weeks! I wanted to remind you at Ice Age...
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November 23 2021 – Nick Massie
I usually write you a long note, but this week's edition is short and to the point. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Thank you for being the best customers a man could ask for. Thank you for supporting our small business and therefore supporting our 21 employees. Thank you for buying locally, right...
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November 09 2021 – Nick Massie
Hello Ice Age Family! In case you missed our Instagram post, I just wanted to share the good news! The LIMITED TIME HOLIDAY SMOKEHOUSE SPECIAL IS BACK!! That means we have brisket, pork butt, and turkey breast to help take the weight off your shoulders this Thanksgiving. Let’s not forget about the sweet potatoes and yams that also come vacuum-sealed...
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November 03 2021 – Nick Massie
The sugar train is boarding! It's that time of year again … From Halloween through the New Year, it seems like sugar is everywhere we turn. Television commercials, magazine photos, and of course in every break-room in America! Since we just celebrated Halloween, it made me want to research this exact topic! And guess what? According to the National Retail...
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October 25 2021 – Nick Massie
Why are people still putting chemicals into their bodies?!
Preservatives. For years, people who don’t know the company well have asked why we don’t use preservatives in our food. The short answer is simple - why add nasty chemicals to our bodies? And that’s what separates our food from so many other meal prep companies out there. Freezing our food at -20 locks in the nutrients and eliminates us having to...
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October 20 2021 – Nick Massie
Who Else Is In A Growth Season?
Growing pains.My, have we had them lately. I’ve always known that growth is a good thing. Nothing in life stays the same forever.We are constantly evolving.Our minds change. Bodies of water move.Relationships morph.Jobs come and go.The earth turns.Dreams fluctuate.Honestly, nothing is precisely the same from the beginning until the end. For some people who don’t like change, it can be...
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October 14 2021 – Nick Massie
The Power Of Working Outdoors!
HELLO IAM FAM! This week I worked remotely. It's been a while since I have done that. I'm a hands-on kind of guy, so I usually find myself in the IAM office, warehouse, or kitchen. I like to see the day-to-day operations, chat with my team, and be there for any issues that may pop up. I enjoy lunches and...
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