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December 06 2021 – Nick Massie


Happy December, Ice Age Fam!

Can you believe 2021 is coming to an end? In many ways, I am ready for the New Year! But there is that a tiny part of me that knows time is a thief, and I wonder what else I can squeeze in these last few weeks!

I wanted to remind you at Ice Age Meals; we are in full swing with our annual “12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!”

This is such an exciting time of year for us because we get to spoil our loyal customers!

To give you a sneak peek, here are some of the items we are gifting this December:


*A 30 pack of meals and a T-shirt for free!


*A $150 gift card and a set of custom IAM Mugs!


And there is MORE where that came from … so please make sure you are following along on the Ice Age Meals Instagram Page for your chance at free food and merch! You will see the posts, and then we announce the winners the following day on our IG stories. Easy Breezy! 

Ohhh, have you seen how cool our mugs are? These are not the boring mugs you see in a store - they are custom made for IAM, and they just scream drink from me! Plus, they combine iridescent colors of gray, blue, and black for a masculine yet graceful appearance! I know that’s hard to imagine. So I included a picture for you above!

And speaking of December and the holidays, I know this time of year can be incredibly stressful. The majority of Americans admit feeling more overwhelmed in December than any other month of the year. So here are a few reminders to help you!

During the holidays

  1. Take breaks from group activities. Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Spend a little time by yourself if you can. 
  2. Keep a regular sleep, meal, and exercise schedule. Limit your alcohol. 
  3. Get support if you need it. Holidays can sometimes trigger depression.

Of course, eat Ice Age Meals too! You knew that one was coming, didn’t you?

And Good Luck with the 12 DAYS OF GIVING!

Your Pal, 

Paleo Nick