Breaking Through In '22
January 03 2022 – Nick Massie

Happy New Year!
Thank you for supporting Ice Age Meals.
2022 marks seven years that we’ve been in business and we wouldn’t be here without you.
With the start of each year, we are inclined to think.
We look back on the past year and we ponder how we can get better over the next 365 days.
The word “better” is one of my favorites because it’s hard to argue that people don’t want to get better. It’s a word that includes so much. It could mean stronger, leaner, faster, nicer, more patient, more organized, more consistent, etc… I want to get better!
Breaking Through!
I have big goals for 2022 and feel like it is truly a breakthrough year for us. Yesterday, I was listening to Jim Rohn while cleaning my garage (and cleaning in my garage) and he shared the following quote:
Our time has come.
2022 is our year.
I could give you a long list of the challenges we faced in 2021, but I won’t.
Suffice it to say that if “every lesson brings with it a blessin’”, we were blessed a lot last year!!!
This is your year, too! Perhaps you’ve struggled with something for 10 years or 20 years…
2022 is your year to break through and get better. Your time has come.
Believe it and claim it; all accomplishments start with positive imagination.
I’ll be cheering for you from Reno and hope that you’ll cheer for me, too! Together we can fill our baskets with lessons and blessins’. Thank you for filling your basket with Ice Age Meals, too!
Your Pal,
Paleo Nick