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Meet Our Athlete of the Month

April 07 2022 – Jessica Tischler

Meet Our Athlete of the Month
Meet Our Athlete of the Month

Meet Kelly Clark, our Ice Age Meals Athlete of the Month. 


Tell us about yourself?

I am a CrossFit Athlete and Level 3 Trainer. I live in Santa Cruz, CA with my husband and our puppy Harley. We enjoy the little things in life... a good cup of coffee, walking on the beach or hiking in the woods, and quality time with the people we love. My family and close circle of friends are the most important things in the world to me. I am so grateful every day for the wonderful humans in my life. I played soccer and waterpolo growing up and have been competing in CrossFit for about 13 years. My goal this year is to qualify for the CrossFit Games as an individual. As a coach I am passionate about genuinely connecting with my athletes and guiding them through their journeys towards being happier, healthier, and more capable human beings. 

How and when did you come to be a member of the CrossFit community?

I joined the CrossFit community shortly after graduating from college. I had been a competitive athlete all my life, and was bored and unfulfilled with the regular gym routine. The very first time I walked by a CrossFit gym I just thought the things they were doing looked so fun, and it reminded me of collegiate sports. The people inside were working hard, the energy and camaraderie was high, with an attentive coach guiding them. It was the first time I'd been in a gym where people cared more about the cool things they could do with their bodies than the way they looked. I was nervous at first about getting started because I had a long history of injuries in the past that still caused problems for me. The coach promised me that I wouldn't get hurt, and a year later all of my sport-specific injuries had resolved themselves just from balancing out my body and training smarter. I was hooked. 

What advice would you give anyone starting CrossFit and a healthy lifestyle?

Find a good coach, learn to listen to your body, and just keep showing up.

Have you noticed any change in your performance at the gym since using Ice Age Meals?

The biggest change I've noticed since using Ice Age Meals is in my stress levels. Nutrition has been a game changer in my performance over the last several years. I always ate well, but I now realize just how important it is as an athlete to be precise and consistent with my intake. I'm not a great (or creative) cook, and I struggled to keep my fats low while getting enough protein and carbs. IAM has made that SO EASY. Less weighing and measuring, less cooking time, less time spent playing macro Tetris. More time spent on my recovery and quality time with my family. 

What is your favorite Ice Age Meal and what do you enjoy most about the products?

Hands down my very favorite meal is the Elk Shepherd's Pie. So yummy! My favorite thing about Ice Age Meals products is that I trust the quality of the food. It tastes good, it's clean, and I know exactly what's in it.  

When you aren’t working out or enjoying Ice Age Meals, how do you like to spend your time?

I am passionate about my coaching career, and have recently launched my own program - K2 Performance - that places particular focus on recovery and injury prevention. 
Outside of that you can find me at the beach! We love to be outside in the sunshine, near the water, and active...especially with our new puppy in our lives!