Call us: 844-ICEAGE-1

Order now and your meals will ship on Tuesday, October 22nd.

Thank You For Your Support! Here's What's Next...

October 21 2022 – Nick Massie

Thank You For Your Support! Here's What's Next...
Thank You For Your Support! Here's What's Next...

We had a pretty amazing response after our last blog.

A lot of people came out of the woodwork. People I haven't seen or heard from in years, but who have been by my side all along. Most sending thoughts and prayers and some of them concerned about my future.

I want to write to let you know that you don't need to worry about me. To quote Paul, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:12-13) I am in a better place than I've ever been.

Regardless of what happens with Ice Age Meals, I will persevere. I've been to zero 8 times in my life and I have a good bounce back record. I am not afraid of anything and I am grateful for every breath of life. Cool, right?

That being said, we have taken steps to launch Ice Age Culinary. 

Here is a picture of my main man Arturo setting up his jack so we can demo the granite countertops in our kitchen. If you follow me on Instagram, maybe you've seen some of the recent action while we turn my home kitchen into a kitchen stadium!

The layout of the kitchen is perfect, but we've always wanted to upgrade the countertops, backsplash, hood and stovetop. After five years of dreaming, we put the wheels in motion a few months ago and today, the new countertops were installed. I want to save the reveal of the new kitchen for a separate post, but let's just say, things are looking up! 

My passion has always been helping people by teaching them to cook tasty, nutritious food. From 2011 to 2017, I published 555 blog posts, 385 of them included instructional cooking videos. In 2020, we took all of that content off line with the dream of remastering it. A lot has changed in online education over the past decade and we're ready to bring some fire!!!

Speaking of fire, here's another picture of Arturo...

If you are interested in any of this, please visit: where you'll find a landing page with a contact form. Simply fill out your information and we'll update you there as we drip the fresh stuff between now and the end of the year.

We will officially launch on January 1st with our 21-day Culinary Challenge. It's unlike anything else out there and I hope you'll take part!

At the start, I mentioned people reaching out and wanting to help.

At this point, the best thing you can do to help is purchase meals! We have over 60,000 in stock and will still be cooking for another three weeks. We've also got our Holiday Smokehouse option, where we deliver a tasty Brisket dinner to your door for Thanksgiving.

If you want to place an order now, please click here.

Here's a picture of my wife doing the final cleaning before the stone guys arrived. Peep the hood to the left, I've got 12 hours into it so far with about 3 to go. I've got a reel going called "Boy and His Hood". 

Okay. I always love leaving you with encouragement. Perhaps you are facing a tough time today. I want to let you know that if you anchor yourself in Christ each morning, then you can handle Whatever Comes. Here are some of the lyrics from a song I've been listening to all year.

Lord, whatever comes, make me steadfast, keep me rooted.A cedar planted firm deeply grounded in your goodness.Lord Whatever comes, be my bedrock, keep me steady.Loyal to your throne whatever stands against me.Be my bravery when I am trembling.Be my courage when my heart is caving in.Be the fireside when I am wandering.Be my father, whatever comes.Be my soul, be strong as iron.Bending only when. When I kneel before the "I Am". Mixed lyrics from "Whatever Comes" by Rend Collective

To debunk the myths you've been fed about nutrition and show you the truth about food is my mission.

Thank you for reading this. Please order some meals, sign up at

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, but please be assured that I am good with Whatever Comes...

Your Pal,

Paleo Nick

PS: Naughty Nick more like it! Here's a picture of my breakfast today. I couldn't resist... But I did just eat a Butternut Squash Lasagna while writing this!