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Ice Age Culinary - Clean Eating Education. Evolved!

January 01 2023 – Nick Massie

Ice Age Culinary - Clean Eating Education. Evolved!
Ice Age Culinary - Clean Eating Education. Evolved!

Happy New Year, Everybody!

It's a new chapter for us as a business and for me personally. 

I started teaching people to eat clean through my blog,, on June 1, 2012. Fast forward a decade and a few months, and I've refined the lessons of the past into something fresh and new. 

Ice Age Culinary (IAC) is a new website that is dedicated to helping people eat healthy worldwide. While Ice Age Meals are available for delivery in the USA, those outside of our borders are left out. IAC will be a resource to people all across the globe who want to learn to cook tasty meals in a matter of minutes.

I've written a blog post at where I explain a little more of the vision and the plan. There is also a feature where you can listen to me reading the post to you!

To celebrate this evolution, we are running a killer promotion. Use code: MEALS4MEIN23 and receive 23% OFF your order at Ice Age Meals as well as a $23 gift card toward enrollment in my cooking lessons.

Once you make your purchase at Ice Age Meals, you will receive an email with a gift code that can be redeemed at Ice Age Culinary.

It all comes down to this equation:
Ice Age Meals
Ice Age Culinary

Everything will eventually be combined under one roof. We are working on adding the meals to the new site soon, but currently have our new line of swag all swagged out! Give it a peek and you'll find:
  1. Cooks and Cleans Barbell Club
  2. Pay The Farm Now Or The Farm Later
  3. Ice Age Culinary Hats, Shirts and Hoodies
  4. Our line of Ice Age Spices

Go Gluten Free in '23!

New Year, New Chew!

"To debunk the myths you've been fed about nutrition

And show you the truth about food is my mission."

Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year!

Your Pal,

Paleo Nick

(Sportin' the new swag!)