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3 Reasons Why Ice Age Meals Are The Best Frozen Meals In America

January 23 2019 – Nick Massie


There was a time when “best” and “frozen meal” would be three words you’d never hear strung together. Frozen meals were, at best, affordable and convenient at best, which were the only reasons you’d ever eat them — it’s not like they ever tasted good. It’s like that old saying: “Good, fast, and cheap — pick any two.”

That was until Ice Age Meals. Sure, it may sound like pure marketing speak to say Ice Age Meals are the best frozen meals in the USA, but it’s completely legit. And here’s why:

1. Frozen beats fresh. There are a lot of programs out there that tout they are “fresh, never frozen,” but that’s not really a benefit. Once a meal is cooked and then put in a refrigerator, it’s already decomposing. How long will it stay “fresh,” and how long are you going to want to eat it? It’s not going to look appealing, and regardless of how good the ingredients are, they won’t do anyone any good if they’re in the garbage. If you were to pop that meal in the freezer, you’d be freezing it at the end of its life, in an attempt to save it.  


But Ice Age Meals are immediately flash frozen, at the peak of freshness, in our blast freezer to a temperature of -20. This ensures that ice crystal formation is minimized, and it enables us to ship the meals in dry ice and make sure that when it arrives at your door, it’s still frozen. That way, it’s ready when you are!

2. You’ll add a day to your life. Ice Age Meals are developed in line with the Zone diet, which strives for a healthy macro ratio of 40/30/30 — that is, 40 percent carbs, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. This nutritional balance is the best diet for controlling inflammation, and it’s completely sustainable — it’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle you can stick with for the rest of your life. Nick, our founder, even claims that every Ice Age meal will add a day to your life* because it is chock full of nutrients to help you fight off disease. Not only that, but they’re also completely satisfying. And isn’t that the whole point?


 3. We use only the best ingredients. As soon as you open your Ice Age meal, you’ll see the difference. The quality speaks for itself and you'll know that LOVE was the number one ingredient on the list! When you taste our food, you’ll think you’re eating a fresh, home-cooked meal. Our beef is grass-fed, our turkey is organic, and both are raise naturally, without steroids or hormones. Whenever it’s possible, we include local and/or organic produce. And every meal contains ingredients you can pronounce. When you can’t prepare these meals from scratch in your own kitchen, Ice Age Meals are truly the next best thing.


Ice Age Meals are utterly satisfying, packed with delicious flavor, convenient, affordable, and good for you.

Maybe our new motto should be, “Good, fast, and cheap — yes, you can have all three!” That’s why we say Ice Age Meals are the best frozen meals in the U.S.A.

*Claim not medically proven. Ice Age Meals makes no guarantee that after eating our meals, you won’t be hit by a bus or encounter some unforeseen disaster.