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Kids of Kaua'i Can Keep Coming to CrossFit Cost-Free

September 14 2018 – Nick Massie

Kids of Kaua'i Can Keep Coming to CrossFit Cost-Free
Kids of Kaua'i Can Keep Coming to CrossFit Cost-Free

Beautiful things are happening on the island of Kaua'i. 

Generosity Giant, Aaron Hoff, and his beautiful wife, Celeste, are bringing hope to a hopeless situation through the Keala Foundation.

Keala means "the way" in Hawaiian and that is precisely what they hope to provide to the youngsters of the Garden Island. Armed with an amazing team including Rory Zambard and @vivajuancarlos, the Keala Foundation provides a free CrossFit gym membership to any child in need. With three gyms now (Poipu, Kekaha and Anahola) amazing things are happening.


The future of the youth of Hawaii used to be dismal, but there is a bright light shining here on the island. It doesn't take long to see it and even less time to feel the love and spirit of Aloha that the 50th State is known for.

But, what does this have to do with Ice Age Meals? 

Our "Get One, Give One" (GOGO) program was established back in 2017. It is still in its infancy, but the goal is to give away one free meal for every meal that we sell.

We are currently working with three groups to do this and one of them is the Keala Foundation. We also support the homeless youth of Reno, Nevada (#1 per capita rate in the USA) and an orphanage in India where we've invested in a pig farm to provide food (chickens) and money for more piglets in a self-sustaining format.

As far as our involvement with the Kids of Kaua'i, we are committed to stocking the three gyms with FREE Ice Age Meals for all kids and Keala Staff. (We just loaded the freezers last night, so be sure to check our Instagram feed for some fun video action.)

We'll be posting more details as the GOGO program grows, but we wanted to share this so that you know more about "The Way" here in Kaua'i.

We'll also be launching a promotion tomorrow where we'll match your discount with a donation to The Keala Foundation. It will be 30% OFF with 15% off of your order and 15% going to Keala. Your net discount with be 15%, but the same amount that pops in the savings box at checkout will be donated to keep a good thing going.

If you have any ideas of where else the GOGO program can be effective, we'd love to hear from you. Simply email or click the contact tab on this page.

Get ready to GIVE with No Strings Attached! 

"A generous man will prosper, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."

Proverbs 11:25


Props once more to Aaron, Celeste, Rory, Juan and the other warriors of the Keala Foundation. Keep up the good work, run the race to win the prize, and continue to show The Way...

Mahalo From Hawaii.

Your Pal,

Paleo Nick