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Our Mission to Feed Hungry Children!

September 15 2021 – Nick Massie

Our Mission to Feed Hungry Children!
Our Mission to Feed Hungry Children!

Aloha from Hawaii!

This week our team at Ice Age Meals has one mission - to give back to hungry children!

And you might be thinking, how are kids possibly hungry in paradise, Nick? 

Well, it may feel like that to most of us who visit, but for the locals, it’s a much different reality. 

Substance abuse is a significant problem on the islands, particularly amongst the youth. Did you know that Hawaii hosts the highest rate of Methamphetamine use and one of the highest rates of suicide in the nation, with one of the lowest rates of resources available to communities? SHOCKING, right?! And when families are riddled with problems - it’s the children who suffer.

In 2013 a fellow CrossFitter, Aaron Hoff, said this must change, so he formed The Keala Foundation. This is a fantastic non-profit with one purpose - creating a free and safe community for kids … a place where they can remain accountable, belong and know they are loved.

When I first heard about the Keala foundation, I prayed that God would allow IAM to help serve their needs. And being a dad of two young boys myself, the mission hit my heart deeply. I knew Ice Age Meals could help.

They needed food desperately, and we make food. It was a no-brainer for my wife, myself, and my team. Now we get the privilege of delivering thousands of meals to kids so they can eat after school. You should see the airline worker’s faces when we all show up at the Reno airport with large boxes of food.

This has been one of the biggest blessings TO US at Ice Age Meals! I remember being a little kid and my mom telling me it’s always better to give than it is to receive, and I did not believe her. I wanted presents! But as I got older, I started to understand what she meant. And now, when I see these sweet boys and girls gobble down our Ice Age Meals, I melt. My mom was right. It’s always better to give.

If you would like to learn more about this non-profit we support, head to their site:

We also have a 5-minute video on YouTube. If you are interested in watching, type in IAM + Keala = LOVE.  And speaking of love, I sent over a double stack convection oven for the children, and they now call it “The Loven.” That makes me smile, just thinking about it. You can see the Loven in the picture above, as well as in the YouTube video as dozens of children help me push it up a hill!

NONE of this would be possible without you guys and gals, so thank you! THANK YOU for supporting my small business and eating Ice Age Meals, which allows us to help others. YOU are making a difference and changing a child’s life. You are giving HOPE!


Your Pal,

Paleo Nick