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Ice Age Meals Nutrition Facts - An Important Update

December 19 2016 – Jessica Timmons


After all that Shark Tank craziness of a few months ago - remember that?! - we had quite a few inquiries about specific nutrition facts (lots of folks watching their sodium intake out there). A scientific test performed at an independent lab had been in the works, and we moved forward with that in early October. We were told that results would be made available to us in early November, and we proceeded to share that information publicly on our FAQ page and in correspondence with customers. We were excited, you know?

That ended up being a bit of a problem, because the lab results were late - by almost a full month. Instead of getting them in November, we didn't get them until early December. And the worst part? We knew immediately that a few of the numbers were wildly inaccurate.

Here's an example - we use the same amount of squash in both the butternut squash lasagna and our chipotle turkey chili. When our meals were tested, they tossed each meal into a blender to mix it all up into a homogenous Paleo smoothie, and then took a sample from each. In a fun twist, the carbohydrate count for our lasagna was a mere 16 grams, while the carb count for the chili was a whopping 140! Something ain't right...

We went straight into problem-solving mode by requesting a re-test at lab number one and searching for a second lab to complete a separate test, just to cover all of our bases. At this time, we're working with both labs to get the process underway. We don't yet know when the results will be available. However, we'll be shouting these nutrition facts from the rooftops as soon as we can get our hands on them (and as soon as we can confirm their validity). The last thing we want to do is share misleading or inaccurate information.

We apologize for the delay on full nutrition facts for our meals. Believe us when we say we're doing everything we can to expedite the process. We're just as interested as our customers in the results.

For now, we'll continue on our mission of creating healthy, delicious meals. And as soon as we can, we look forward to sharing nutrition facts (and updating our packaging - woohoo!).