On Ten Ten Twenty Twenty, Count Your Blessings By Tens and Twenties!
October 10 2020 – Nick Massie

If you think about it, any date is really just a tally of things that have passed.
Today is 10/10/2020. That represents ten days, ten months and 2,020 years.
I think you'll all agree that this has been one of the most righteous years any of us has experienced. It seems like just yesterday (February 10th), we were launching our Ten Ten Twenty Twenty campaign to promote the construction of our new kitchen!

We actually planned to have 80% of our new facility built by today's date!
After February came March, where we marched right into the pandemic. We have been blessed to remain open through the COVID-19 crisis, but our construction plans were halted. I remember one time in late march, driving from my house to our warehouse (38 miles) and only seeing two cars! It was the most eery feeling. I thought I was in one of those movies about the end of the world.
Enough of the righteous years, pandemics and eery feelings, let's brighten up this blog post!
Today, I am writing to update you on the latest and greatest plans for Ice Age Meals. For those of you that don't know, we currently produce our meals in location (our kitchen and offices) and store and ship them from our warehouse, 28 miles away. Our dream is to build a kitchen attached to our warehouse so that our complete operation is under one roof. We recently extended the lease at our current kitchen and hope to construct and move into our new kitchen ASAP.
In preparation, I've set up shop in the Ice Office, which is at the building site. The A/C blows really cold!:
We've nearly got the property cleared of six shipping containers full of food booth equipment from our former remote catering and event services:
And it's time to begin prepping the site for a concrete pad!
As we move forward, we count our blessings daily. If you are one of our customers, then you are at the top of our list! We appreciate your support more than you know. It's a bit impersonal to receive a box of meals in the mail, but we hope that you taste the love and care that we pack into each portion.
In an effort to make ways to meet you personally, we've begun work on the ICE AGE ICE BOX! We'll be bringing it to gyms, businesses and neighborhoods for a firsthand Ice Age Meals experience.
We took this old uniform delivery truck:
And turned it into this beauty:
We are currently outfitting it with freezers and will then take to the road to meet you in person. We'll also have all 40 meals on board for you to purchase! Think of it as a mobile grocery store for people who want to EAT BETTER and LIVE LONGER!
More on that in a future blog post, but count the ICE BOX one of our blessings!
To celebrate Ten Ten Twenty Twenty, we've put together a blazing deal just for you!
Use code: TENTEN2020 to save 25% plus get $50 in COLD CASH!
This offer is available for a limited time only, so be sure to cash in on the savings today!!!
When you look back on this year, don't look for too long. Focus on the bright future in front of you. We are doing the same and we appreciate you following along. While we are not where we planned to be, we are putting one foot in front of the other and following the advice of Martin Luther King, Jr.:
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."
The pandemic has many feeling trapped and paralyzed, but don't let it do that to you. Face forward, focus on the positive and when things get windy, adjust the sails. We've got 82 days left in this year. I encourage you to count each one as a blessing and to make each minute a masterpiece.
Thank you for reading and Happy Ten Ten Twenty Twenty!!!
Your Pal,
Paleo Nick
(Can you count two of my biggest blessings in this picture?)